Sunday, 13 September 2015

New Moon in Virgo

The sign of Virgo is the zodiacal sign of the Virgin Mother: pure and unpolluted, the holy vessel of a very special Being. If she were not so self-efficient, it would be in everyone’s best interests to look after her and take care of her. But she really does not need looking after because she knows best. Ruled by Mercury, a person with a strong planetary placement in Virgo does their research and would rather have their carefully laid plans left alone. There is a strong need to keep things efficient and in excellent running order. Organisation is a strong feature. In Gemini, Mercury needs to get to as many places as possible but in Virgo, the key is perfection. The new moon in Virgo invokes a time for us to tidy up, to look after our bodies and to search for way to improve productivity. It involved being quite brutally critical and ruthless in ridding the environment of things that no longer work. The lessons of Virgo can be learned by looking to its opposite sign of Pisces: working with sympathy and compassion giving oneself time to dream rather than constantly pushing to get more done.
During the new moon in Virgo, it is a good time to examine the roles of colleagues and one’s own work routine to ensure it is running smoothly and efficiently, to re-boot a health care regime and to help others attain a state of organised perfection as well.

Next Full moon in Aries on 28 September

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