Monday, 1 February 2016

Leo February 2016

29 February

It's hard to understand where other people are coming from. But it's a lot easier if you consider their financial situations.

26 February

Sure, say whatever you like without any consideration for anyone else. But prepare to be alienated for a long time. Show a little love and charm wherever you can.

25 February

Your other half is so charming and polite, caring and attentive--but that only means they're up to something. Or so you might think. Why not just come out and ask rather than being so suspicious?

24 February

All those little indulgences sure do add up over time, don't they? It's time to address the little things that you're been trying so hard to ignore. Turn a blind eye at your peril.

23 February

After all the excitement of the Full Moon, it is time to consider the true cost of your next move forward. You tend to have the tendency to undervalue your skills--remember your big dreams.

22 February

You've been so focused on relationships and how to adjust yourself to suit the needs of others that you've forgotten what you value in yourself. Every now and again Leos need to be reminded to put their needs first--and the Full Moon is one of those times.

21 February

You are the topic of many lively debates and arguments. And of course, there's no one else to blame but your good self. Enjoy the attention.

19 February

You normally don't mind being given the royal treatment but today you can't help but feel uneasy. What do they want from you? Perhaps you should just ask rather than guess.

16 February

So why is everyone else having fun and you feel left out in the cold? It's because you have overspent (again). But all is not lost. You just need to do a bit of creative budgeting.

15 February

You may feel as if you are aren't getting anywhere but this is far from the truth. Others do recognise the good things you do so don't think you have to push too hard to be noticed.

14 February

You're feeling quite sensitive over how other people see you and this causes you to do some very deep thinking. There's no need to be so paranoid.

13 February

Those "little" tasks that you have been putting off are finally catching up with you and stopping you from making progress. Time for a tidy up.

12 February

Long term plans appear to be unravelling at the seams. But it doesn't have to be the disaster you seem to think it is. You just have to roll with the punches.

6 February

No need to get paranoid, Leo. It's just a few minor, necessary adjustments. Honestly, no one's out to steal your crown.

5 February

Seeing others getting all the attention can drive you to distraction. Don't worry so much--you'll have a chance to make an even better impression on someone who really matters.

4 February

You're feeling a bit uneasy today. But much of the is based on figments of your imagination--it's not as bad or troublesome as you think it is.

3 February

You've been known to enjoy the odd gamble but today doesn't look like the best of days for taking chances. Be very careful with what you place your bets on.

2 February 

For the Astro bio on Leo Madonna click here
Stop trying to cut corners. The only way to get a job done is to get in there and do it--by yourself.

Monthly Horoscope

You’ve been wrestling with working out your true motivations—and your emotions are running high. You won’t find the answers you are searching for by throwing your proverbial toys out of the pram. Events on or around the New Moon on 8th February will bring people to you who will challenge you to see your self as they do. Is it a pretty picture or is it one for the filing cabinet where no one will see it ever again? By mid month, you will be very self-conscious indeed about your reputation and perhaps a bit obsessed about how others really see you. The Full Moon on the 22nd February reminds you that your public image is one of your most important assets—sort it out before the damage becomes irreparable. The month ends with a good honest look in the mirror—and hopefully you will come to appreciate the same reflection everyone else does.

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007) and has gained recognition as an outstanding schoolteacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, led her to her write Growing Pains, a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. Alex’s articles have appeared in astrological magazines across the globe and in addition to her many writing accomplishments, she was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamuti Institute of Astrology in India for the energetic presentation of her original and thought-provoking investigation into astrology and education. As of October 2015, Alex is on a world tour, lecturing on a variety of astrological topics and is enjoying meeting other astrologers from different cultures.  She is currently working on her next book about actors and biopics.

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