Thursday, 3 March 2016

Aquarius March 2016

16 March

You just don't know what to do with it all and yet you know there is pressure to get on with it. When you put your ear to the ground, listen for your own voice--it's there.

15 March

Go on and bury your head in the sand: you know you want to! But what will it accomplish? You'll find the friends who are happy to dig you out.

14 March

There's war on the playground--or at least that is what it might feel like. Just stand back and watch. There is much to be learned.

13 March

Being unclear about what you need is a sure way to lose friends. If you want something, ask for it and don't leave it for someone to guess wrongly.

12 March

It's not like you to worry but when it comes to your friends, you just can't help it. Lend a helping hand if you can but be aware of the drama to follow.

11 March

Put your wallet away. Lock up the bankcards and be careful with any financial transaction. Today is one of those days that you could spend much more than you planned or could be vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

6 March

Business deals can be challenging for people who try to pretend they don't really need money. Start talking turkey or be prepared to lose out on something important.

5 March

You put a lot of time, energy and resources to keep people connected. Make sure there is a good pay off before investing any further.

4 March

You don't like the emotional stuff but you're going to have to get stuck in if you want to understand your current situation. Pay attention to your intuition (even if you think it's all stuff and nonsense).

3 March

Lack of finances and the problem of how to raise more cash are very sore points with you. And yet there are lots of lessons to be learned in this area of your life. With a little focus on where things are going well and adjusting the areas where there is room for improvement is a very good way to spend your day.

2 March

It's time to consider if your current list of friends and affiliations are beneficial. The temptation for you is to spread yourself very thinly. Consider how you can be utilise your connections in a more precise manner. The best time to implement new ideas is on the New Moon on the 9th March.

Monthly Horoscopes

For an astro bio on Aquarian Diane Keaton, click here
For some time your finances (or lack of them) have been a sore point in your life and it has been hard for you to decide between playing it safe or taking a risk.  Part of the reason for this confusion is because you just haven’t been able to make the right connections to the right people. But has it ever occurred to you that you are expecting too much from the wrong people? The New Moon (a solar eclipse) on the 9th is the time to take networking a little more seriously: there’s just no point in having so many useless contacts who will never amount to anything. The Full Moon (a penumbral lunar eclipse) on the 23rd is a time when carefully thought out questions will yield very revealing (and surprising) answers to problems that have been troubling you. A little word of caution: if you don’t ask, you won’t get answers.

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007) and has gained recognition as an outstanding schoolteacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, led her to her write Growing Pains, a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. Alex’s articles have appeared in astrological magazines across the globe and in addition to her many writing accomplishments, she was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamuti Institute of Astrology in India for the energetic presentation of her original and thought-provoking investigation into astrology and education. She is the resident astrologer for The Ethical Hedonist magazine, a contributor to Infinity Astrology magazine as well as The Astrological Journal and many others. As of October 2015, Alex is on a world tour, lecturing on a variety of astrological topics and is enjoying meeting other astrologers from different cultures.  Her next book “A Light in the Darkest Alleys” focuses on the role of Saturn and will be available in the next few months. A third book, "Mirror Mirror", is a work in progress and will be published later in 2016.

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