Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Aquarius 9-15 May

You may hate emotional drama but that is what this week is all about. And it will feel like everyone is all touchy feely and in your business too. At times like these, you have some decisions to make: you can either pull the duvet over your head or you could take the more dignified approach and confront your fears. To a lot of people, you are the anchor in stormy seas. Remember that when those who are less able to contain their emotion seek your comfort.

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth, MA (CAA), MAPAI is an award-winning astrologer and schoolteacher who has gained recognition for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in these fields, coupled with groundbreaking research, led her to her write Growing Pains, a book aimed at supporting parents and teachers using astrology. Alex’s articles have appeared in astrological magazines across the globe and she lectures extensively. She was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamuti Institute of Astrology and will be returning to India in May 2016 to be a professor of Western Astrology and Secretary General of International Affairs. www.alextrenoweth.com Skype: AstroAlex1984

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