Friday, 1 April 2016

Aries April 2016

18-24 April

You may feel that you have to stop what you’re doing and then rethink all the grand plans you’ve been working on. It can feel disappointing but the truth is these plans of yours needed a little more thought to make them work and to allow you to feel you are in control of the situation. Spend some time on Friday reflecting on your personal achievements and reviewing your new targets and goals: you’ve been putting this off for far too long.

11-17 April: The Week Ahead

The week begins with you feeling you just can’t say anything right without someone correcting your tone or grammar. But this is not to say your rebellious nature has been put into its place. Oh no, that won’t happen. Through it all you maintain your charm and charisma and by the close of the week, you can begin to understand why there was a need to use caution when speaking. So yes, do mind your manners.

10 April

The temptation will be to go off and do whatever you like no matter what anyone else says. But the reality is that you need to be careful.

9 April

It's an all action day with plenty of scope for surprises. If there's something on your mind regarding your finances, now is the time to say it.

8 April

If life seems a little crazy, you can just blame the stars. And don't be afraid to stir a little controversy. 

7 April

Today's New Moon signals the time for you to sharpen up, get ready to implement new plans and and create new goals and targets for self improvement. Cultivate these new ideas and then get ready to give a good dose of energy to them in the next couple of days.

6 April

Yes you need to love and care for him/her. It's a tall order but sometimes putting other peoples' needs ahead of your own can have surprising pay offs.

5 April

Today is an ideal day for dreaming about what you'd like to do next. It's one of those days to leave the heavy machinery to someone else.

4 April

Set aside some time to reflect on how you can be of service to others today. You have so much to offer and it is about time you stepped up to the plate.

3 April

It’s time for you to review your friendship circles again. Are the right people providing you with the right type of support and if not, what can you do about it?

2 April

They say love hurts but it also has the power to heal. Spend some time thinking about someone you may have unintentionally hurt and then do your karma a favour and put it right.

Monthly Horoscope 

For an astro bio on Christopher Walken, click here

You have a lot of mental energy and with this will come the urge to tear up the rule book and break out of your tired old routine. Before you do anything drastic, it is worth noting that actions made in haste will take months to put right again. Before you act, look around you: who will be affected by what you do? Make sure you double check that your decisions are in line with your long term plans and goals. All of this is not to say you should stand around passively watching the fun from the sidelines. The New Moon on the 7th is a particularly sensitive time for you and, with some careful thought, could be the starting point for implementing your innovative ideas. By the time of the Full Moon on the 22nd, you should have a far better understanding of the business opportunities around you and, provided you’ve thought your motives through, could reveal the solutions to improving your financial concerns.

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007) and has gained recognition as an outstanding schoolteacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, led her to her write Growing Pains, a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. Alex’s articles have appeared in astrological magazines across the globe and in addition to her many writing accomplishments, she was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamuti Institute of Astrology in India for the energetic presentation of her original and thought-provoking investigation into astrology and education. She is the resident astrologer for The Ethical Hedonist magazine, a contributor to Infinity Astrology magazine as well as The Astrological Journal and many others. As of October 2015, Alex is on a world tour, lecturing on a variety of astrological topics and is enjoying meeting other astrologers from different cultures.  Her next book “A Light in the Darkest Alleys” focuses on the role of Saturn and will be available in the next few months. A third book, "Mirror Mirror", is a work in progress and will be published later in 2016. 

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