Friday, 1 April 2016

Libra April 2016

18-24 April: The Week Ahead

Listen very carefully to what others have to say. Not because they have anything especially important to say but because they are saying things they don’t necessarily mean. The world may seem full of sharp-tongued harridans but you really mustn’t take things to heart. Reflect on the information that is truly important and let everything else go right over your head. Be a little tougher and don’t let others think they can use words as weapons.

11-17 April: The Week Ahead

It might help you to see beyond the barriers if you could just take a little time to discuss your worries to a good friend. You see, the thing holding you back is the inkling that others won’t understand you. This notion gets put to rest soon enough and you will have a very clear picture of the good folks you can rely on.  Get it all off your chest and see how much better it makes you feel. The people who take the time to listen are truly the kind you can call friends for life.

10 April

Yes, the freaks all come to you. But before you dismiss them, why not listen to their story? All is not as it appears to be.

9 April

Show the love and get the money. It's all really quite simple. You have what someone else has been waiting for.

8 April

It's hard to know what to make of people when they are behaving out of character. Don't expect anyone to show you good manners today--and don't take this personally.

7 April

Today's New Moon signals the start of a new phase in your life. Partnerships are always important to you but perhaps there are people in your life who are not contributing to your happiness in the way you think they should. Sort them out or clear space for new people.

6 April

Something decidedly romantic is in the air for you. A little hint at how to make things more successful? Think gourmet food.

5 April

Make a plan. Stick to it. Don't take a break until it's finished. Wear shoes with good traction. Watch out for the bones in the fish. Take it easy. It's all going to be OK.

4 April

It's all about the social life these days. But the fun can't last forever and there are people who need you. Take a few minutes out of your day to ask yourself how you can help.

3 April

It’s time for you to review your network of friends. Do they bring you happiness and joy or do they drag you down and make you feel bad. Don’t be afraid to do a clearing out of your contacts.

2 April

It’s time to sort out some of the mess that has been slowly accumulating. It isn’t much fun but if you can grab a partner at least you won’t be lonely.

Monthly Horoscope

For an astrobio of Libran Roy Horn (of Siegfried and Roy), click here

To you relationships are the cornerstone of your existence but this month you will question just how much you are willing to contort yourself to keep someone else happy. To you, it’s all very simple: relationships are a two way street with as much win-win as possible. But what if you were asked, completely out of the blue, to give up something that is important to you? Or to accept something into your life that was completely beyond the pale? The New Moon on the 7th marks a time that circumstances and/or people will find their way to you that makes the answers to these questions very pertinent to you. And the importance of your answers will range from the minute to the extreme. By the time of the Full Moon on the 22nd, the value of this exercise will become very clear. More importantly, you will start to discover the true boundaries between you and the people you have to deal with.

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007) and has gained recognition as an outstanding schoolteacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, led her to her write Growing Pains, a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. Alex’s articles have appeared in astrological magazines across the globe and in addition to her many writing accomplishments, she was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamuti Institute of Astrology in India for the energetic presentation of her original and thought-provoking investigation into astrology and education. She is the resident astrologer for The Ethical Hedonist magazine, a contributor to Infinity Astrology magazine as well as The Astrological Journal and many others. As of October 2015, Alex is on a world tour, lecturing on a variety of astrological topics and is enjoying meeting other astrologers from different cultures.  Her next book “A Light in the Darkest Alleys” focuses on the role of Saturn and will be available in the next few months. A third book, "Mirror Mirror", is a work in progress and will be published later in 2016. 

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