Friday, 1 April 2016

Aquarius April 2016

18-24 April: The Week Ahead

If there’s one thing you can’t stand, it’s insincerity. And yet that is what you have to contend with this week. The good news is that you get more adept at spotting who is most likely to be sparse with the facts and this will all go a long way in helping you get ahead of the game. Understanding how other people tick will give you a better idea of how you can help those who truly deserve it. But just bear in mind, you might come across some people who are going to try it on.

11-17 April: The Week Ahead

Your biggest struggle this week is getting people to cooperate. Why can’t everyone just get along? Because they can’t, you will pretty much feel as if you’re being pulled in two very different directions: mature adults on one side and big kids on the other. And everyone wants your attention. Well, what is it about you that they want? Have a think about this because the answer solves the dilemma. And then you can finish the week with that nap you’ve been meaning to have.

10 April

This is your kind of day except for the not so small problem that you will be getting the wrong sort of attention for the thing you say. Oh and you might want to give yourself a few extra minutes to get from A to Z.

9 April

Every now and again, you surprise others with your heartfelt words of wisdom. In fact,  you may have even managed to impressed someone important.

8 April

Troublemaker you. It's all fun stirring the pot with some very unusual word choices. But it could all very well backfire as everyone starts the clear up.

7 April

Today's New Moon signals the start of a new phase in your life. You will be spending a lot of time writing and/or communicating with others. It's a great time to get started on that book you've always wanted to write.

6 April

Of course, everyone admires honestly--but only up to a point. Sometimes honesty can hurt. Be mindful of this today: yes, speak the truth but beware of the delicate ears it falls on.

5 April

You still aren't in the clear financially so mind the pennies. Things will be better in a few days time but until they are, keep double checking receipts.

4 April

You've been so good these past few days. Treading on eggshells will pay off but you still need to pay attention to all the clues around you.

3 April

It’s time for you to review your self-image. Are you putting out the right signals or do you need to sharpen up a bit? First impressions are lasting ones so make sure you are getting it right.

2 April

Today finances pinch in a decidedly uncomfortable way. Double check receipts, bank transactions and count your change. Something isn’t right with your money.

Monthly Horoscopes

For an astro bio on Aquarian Diane Keaton, click here

Being unconventional has never been a problem for you but this month, you might start to question why you make things so difficult and complicated for yourself. Wouldn’t it just be easier to read the signs and follow the directions? Or to listen to traditional wisdom instead of having to re-invent the wheel at the start of every race? Being your own person comes at a price and as you have taken the bendy path, sometimes the straight and narrow can seem far too appealing. The New Moon on the 7th is a good time to begin thinking differently by thinking as others do (no matter how odd this might seem to you). By the time of the Full Moon on the 22nd, the reasons for this shift in thinking will become increasingly clear: quite simply there are emotional and possibly family matters that require your attention. You will be needed to play the straight man or you will look the fool.

About the Astrologer

Alex Trenoweth is an MA graduate of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at Bath Spa University (2007) and has gained recognition as an outstanding schoolteacher for her tireless and innovative education of adolescents. Her unique expertise in both astrology and teaching, coupled with ground-breaking research, led her to her write Growing Pains, a book aimed at helping parents and teachers support and guide young people into maturity. Alex’s articles have appeared in astrological magazines across the globe and in addition to her many writing accomplishments, she was voted “Best International Astrologer, 2015” by the Krishnamuti Institute of Astrology in India for the energetic presentation of her original and thought-provoking investigation into astrology and education. She is the resident astrologer for The Ethical Hedonist magazine, a contributor to Infinity Astrology magazine as well as The Astrological Journal and many others. As of October 2015, Alex is on a world tour, lecturing on a variety of astrological topics and is enjoying meeting other astrologers from different cultures.  Her next book “A Light in the Darkest Alleys” focuses on the role of Saturn and will be available in the next few months. A third book, "Mirror Mirror", is a work in progress and will be published later in 2016. 

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